Before the Storm……

Wednesday (before Thursday afternoons BIG storm) I got to paint outside on an almost 50 degree day in MN!  Used water based oils-limited palette of colors and arches oil paper.
Lovely day, especially using my new rechargeable battery operated coat:)  Thank you Riaz-you are wonderful!  I can be outside painting just that much earlier….and hopefully later in the fall….
 A Tuesday evening 45 min portrait with water based oils on paper.  

3 Responses to Before the Storm……

  1. I really like them but don't have many left-they were all given to me & I can't justify buying more oils just now. Clean up is so slick! The oil paper needs lots of paint on it to "grab" the pigment so painting outside ended up painting lots with the palette knife. Even inside ended up using heaving applications and kind of "sculpting" with the opaque areas.

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