April…New & Repeat Exhibits

April 2014 includes a new venue for me, the Friendship Center in Winona where I have portrait paintings along with a few landscapes hanging up for the month.  I’ll also be doing a portrait in oils at the center “live” June 4th along with pastel artist Toni Ambrosen.
Spring is at last arriving, for a few days anyway…  below a few pastels of fresh flowers I kept in vases around the house throughout March!  Flowers have always been food for my soul:)

April also brings the 40th Anniversary of the Minnesota Conservatory for the Arts in Winona along with an Anniversary Dance Performance at the Page Theater.  A number of my paintings and drawings from the exhibit Dance: A Painters Perspective will be hanging in the performance center lobby along with a new painting (below) from a modern dance rehearsal for the celebration.


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