Author Archives: Julie Johnston

Driftless Area Art Festival!

Driftless Area Art Festival!

This weekend is my first time to be a part of the juried outdoor Driftless Art Festival.  I’m so excited to be included with 79 other artists, live music and great food.  Plan for a great day of diverse artists and art and be sure to visit me and my friends at Silver Studio, Continue Reading

April…New & Repeat Exhibits

April 2014 includes a new venue for me, the Friendship Center in Winona where I have portrait paintings along with a few landscapes hanging up for the month.  I’ll also be doing a portrait in oils at the center “live” June 4th along with pastel artist Toni Ambrosen. Spring is at last arriving, for a… Continue Reading

Before the Storm……

Wednesday (before Thursday afternoons BIG storm) I got to paint outside on an almost 50 degree day in MN!  Used water based oils-limited palette of colors and arches oil paper. Lovely day, especially using my new rechargeable battery operated coat:)  Thank you Riaz-you are wonderful!  I can be outside painting just that much earlier….and hopefully… Continue Reading

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