In the heat of July

oil sketch Koi Pond Koi Pond (oil) Apples (pastel)  Fennel  (pastel)  Koi & Water Lilies (pastel) Apples  (oil)  Bridge at SMU (oil) Charcoal portrait I’m not sure why my pastel paintings seem so different from my oil paintings but they are.  Is it because pastel’s include more “drawing” sometimes?  I love oil but it is… Continue Reading

Minnesota Marine Art Museum I taught a charcoal drawing class at the MMAM.  I had so much fun.  It is difficult to believe that some of the students said they had never done this before.  Everyone’s work was fantastic!  I’m looking forward to teaching a children’s workshop in August there. Continue Reading

Fringe Friday

The last Friday in April was Fringe Friday in Winona.  Music, food, art galleries open late, book lover’s night and more music and live drawing at the Acoustic Cafe.  I drew for 2 hours.  First I drew my mother and then my friend Kate who drove to see the exhibit.  She was my photographer as… Continue Reading

A great weekend!

More pictures from the reception.  Thank you Riaz! I was and am so happy and appreciative of everyone who came to the reception, thank you all! Last weekend was full of delightful times with my mother’s 87th birthday on Saturday and my first artist reception on Sunday.  87 looks amazing on my mother.  If you… Continue Reading

Charlie and His Beauties

I realized that the only family member not in my exhibit was Charlie.  Charlie was actually the first portrait I did 3 years ago but his mom and dad have that one.  So I decided to continue the Madeline Island theme and the fun Lua,  Charlie and all of us had collecting rocks on our… Continue Reading

First Exhibit!

This afternoon I hung my first solo exhibit at the Acoustic Cafe’ in Winona, MN.  Friend and fellow artist Carol Slade was a huge help hanging everything.  37 pieces! Thank you Carol, I couldn’t have done it without you and your tool box.  And thank you Kathy for asking if I would be interested in… Continue Reading


I’ve been making jewelry from recycled and found objects and have them for sale at the Blue Heron Gallery here in Winona,  Every pair turns out differently.  It’s really fun to play with all of the different “stuff”.  The black is bicycle inner tube. Continue Reading

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